Rosehip Oil for the Face

The constituents of rosehip oil are responsible for great skin rejuvenating properties for the skin and the face. The essential fatty acids, the antioxidants and vitamin C can help repair damage to the skin of the face and restore some degree of elasticity and this is why many people use rosehip oil for the face.

In essence, it could be considered as being better than Botox (certainly a lot more natural and much much cheaper).

So in what respects is it so good for the face?

rosehip oil for face

Anti-Aging and Wrinkles

Using rosehip oil on the face can reduce the signs of aging, in particularly fine lines and wrinkles. The mechanism that is often quoted is that the vitamin C antioxidants present in rosehip oil can stimulate the production of collagen to reduce the wrinkles and fine lines. It is also absorbed into the skin more efficiently than many other natural and proprietary products which facilitates better moisturising of the skin.


All of us have probably suffered to some extent from acne at some stage in our lives. For most of us it is just a minor inconvenience. However, for others it can be a significant issue and radically affect their self esteem and quality of life. Frequent and consistent application of rosehip oil to the face has been reported as reducing the intensity and/or frequency of acne breakouts for some people.

This might be a little surprising that adding an oil to an oily face might be beneficial but rosehip oil is considered to be comparatively non greasy and well absorbed by the skin. However, it should be noted that not all facial skins react positively to the application of rosehip oil so either consult a suitable health care professional before applying (or if you want to go ahead and try anyway then just start with a small patch test).


There have been research studies carried out that regular use of rosehip oil can reduce and even eliminate some facial scars and skin blemishes. This is the case for a range of scars including burns, some acne scars, chicken pox, etc.


Some women will swear by rosehip oil as a moisturiser for their dry skin. If you wish to try using it as a facial moisturiser then the normal recommendation is that you massage a few drops into your face at night, just before bed.

Repair From Sun Damage

We would not recommend using rosehip oil to specifically protect your face from the harmful UV rays of the sun – it is oft suggested that the best skin care product that exists is a high factor sun block.   However, those great chemical components of essential fatty acids, antioxidants and Vitamin C present in rosehip oil appear to tackle the damage that the sun does to the face.